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If you would like to find your way in the maze of multinational companies, and would like to have support in navigation, feel free to contact me on the following topics:

  • Job seeker package (end to end support from application to acceptance): tips for preparing the winner CV, motivational letter if needed, the secrets of job interviews, negotiation strategy for your future salary.

  • Career building package: you like working for your current employer, but you feel that you are not going forward, you can do more? In this topic we will find out the strategy together, where to move next, you will get different tools which lead you toward the success or desired position. 

Due to the varying nature of the support required, please

contact me for a free consultation whereby I can provide an outline of expected costs and timeline.

I first reached out to Szilvi with business topics before I got promoted, but she helped me in different areas of my life. It comes to my mind several times, what we talked about on our sessions, especially when I’m solving a problem or even when I’m running. I became more organized, and lots of times I realize, I use the techniques what we discussed during coaching and mentoring.
Pellérdi Nóra, Alkalmazott & Vállalkozó angoltanár
I first reached out to Szilvi with business topics before I got promoted, but she helped me in different areas of my life. It comes to my mind several times, what we talked about on our sessions, especially when I’m solving a problem or even when I’m running. I became more organized, and lots of times I realize, I use the techniques what we discussed during coaching and mentoring.

Stefka Diána, Controlling Manager

Let's start working together!

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